Personalizza la tua Infrastruttura Cloud
Cloud Infrastructure
| Cloud Server
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Perchè noi
Suport for any language
HostBill can support all kind of languages, we have over 15 different languages you can install...Supported Domains Registrars
Domain registration and management is easy. We support more than 20 Domain Registrars.70+ payment gateways
Create invoice and send to client. HostBill supports more than 70+ payment gateways.Security
Security is critical. We are working on tweaking code, finding vulnerabilities and more.?
Configurazione del prodotto
Il piano include
Cloud Infrastructure: Cloud Infrastructure Base€ 23,80
Al mese -
Sistema OperativoLinuxGratuito
CPU x 1Gratuito
RAM [GB] x 1Gratuito
Spazio Disco [GB] x 10Gratuito
Indirizzi IP pubblici x 1Gratuito
€ 29,04